Scott Henderson, IDSA
INNOVATION Spring 2020
Vol. 40 No. 1, p. 14
Scott Henderson interviews Janine Benyus about the initiatives happening here at Biomimicry 3.8 including Project Positive, Factory-as-a-Forest, and 3D printing, and more as they relate to Industrial Design, art, and beauty. This is a very thoughtful and well-written article published in the print version of the IDSA Innovation Magazine. Enjoy the read.
“We as humans are going to say to the planet, “What are you trying to tell me? I’ve spent a long time as a young, arrogant species, and now I am turning to you and looking for patterns that are not filtered through a bias where we only see ourselves over and over again.” We first need to quiet human cleverness so that we can learn something. Then we need to start listening. The third step is echoing, and the final step is to give thanks—to be a part of and not apart from. If we do these things, we get to stay here.” ~ Janine Benyus